Olivia Uwamahoro, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, CPCS

Olivia Uwamahoro, Ph.D., NCC, LPC, CPCS is an Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and College Student Affairs at the University of West Georgia. Dr. Uwamahoro has clinical experience working with child, adolescent and adult clients who experience a variety of therapeutic issues. She has worked in inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization settings. Dr. Uwamahoro's scholarship activities centers around the areas of virtual simulation in counselor education and counseling, client outcome, counseling student development, and clinical supervision. Her primary research foci are (a) using virtual simulation to educate and train counseling students and counseling professions, (b) client outcome, and (c) gate keeping in counselor education. Dr. Uwamahoro is currently serving as Co-Principal Investigator on a 5-year $2.2 million grant funded by the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administrations Innovative Training program. The project is designed to deliver training to vocational rehabilitation counselors who are hired to work with youth with disabilities (age 14 to 16) in Pre-Employment Training Services. The remote delivery includes online modules, podcasts, skill training using 澳门新普京注册Live Simulation Lab and virtual reality 360 videos.

  • B.A., Psychology, Univeristy of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2009
  • M.S., Counseling (Clinical Mental Health), University of Memphis, 2012
  • Ph.D., Counselor Education, University of Central Florida, 2015

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